Secretary of State, Linda McCulloch of Montana, approved the cannabis legalization measure Initiative 178, giving marijuana supporters the foothold to start gathering signatures to put the initiative to a vote.
Cannabis advocates now have the green light to collect signatures from at least 5% of registered voters in each of the state’s 34 House districts or a minimum total of 24,175 signatures. If they are successful, the initiative will be place on the 2016 general election ballot.
If approved into law, the measure would allow possession up to an ounce of cannabis by those 21 years old and older, and can purchase it from a licensed retail outlet. Licensed retail outlets, on the other hand, would sell dried cannabis flowers and marijuana-infused products such as edibles and tinctures.
The legalization of marijuana hopes to bring an estimated annual revenue of around $37 million for the States from the 20% excise tax on cannabis sales, combined with licensing fees.